Monthly Archives: October 2015

7 Generations Radio: Jim and Ashley Cash of Woven Green and One Leap

Host:  Joe Gray

Guests:  Jim and Ashley Cash, Musicians of Woven Green and One Leap

Discussion:  Musical directions for the husband and wife team, experience with mindfulness in music, meditative music sample and lyrics.

Broadcast on WSHC from the Campus of Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV on October 17, 2015

7 Generations Radio: David Manthos, Candidate for WV Senate, Oct 17, 2015

Host:  Joe Gray

Guest:  David Manthos, Skytruth employee and Candidate for WV Senate

Discussion: Issues facing WV and proposed solutions including the epidemic of drug addiction and deaths, environmental issues, unemployment and proposals to increase employment.

Broadcast on WSHC from the Campus of Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV on Oct 17, 2015

Note:  The audio commences midstream during the conversation.

7 Generations Radio: Mindfulness–Jan Hummer and Michele Blumberg–October 3, 2015

Host:  Joe Gray

Guests:  Jan Hummer of Open Minds and Michele Blumberg, teacher, Naropa University

Discussion:  Mindfulness, emotional education, self-love, loving kindness, anger management, child behavior and emotional development, alienation and violence.

Radio Broadcast on WSHC, Shepherd University on October 3, 2015


7 Generations Radio: Consuelo Newman–the Dark Act (GMO labeling)–September 19, 2015

Host:  Joe Gray

Guest:  Consuelo Newman, Community Activist

Discussion:  Current status of the Dark Act, formally known as the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act.  Results of discussions with the offices of WV Senators Manchin and Capito to seek their support against Senate passage of the Dark Act.

Broadcast on WSHC, Shepherdstown, WV from the Campus of Shepherd University on September 19, 2015.

Note:  On the audio I (Joe Gray) incorrectly state that the Dark Act had passed the Senate. In fact, at the date of the broadcast the Act had passed the House and was yet to be voted on by the Senate.

7 Generations Radio: Green Hill Farm–Homesteading Days–October 10 and 11, 2015

Host:  Joe Gray

Guest:  Erin Moshier Mark of Green Hill Farm, Sharpsburg, MD

Discussion:  Current activities of Green Hill Farm.  Discussion of farm life and upcoming Homesteading Days events at the farm, including timber framing workshop, beekeeping, canning, preserving, butchering, blacksmithing, solar energy and soap making.

Note:  The originally scheduled dates for Homesteading Days were October 3 and 4.  Due to inclement weather Homesteading Days have been changed to October 10 and 11, 2015.

Broadcast on WSHC, Shepherdstown, WV from the campus of Shepherd University on September 19, 2015