Tag Archives: treatment and recovery

7 Generations Radio: Heroin Addiction, May 21, 2016

Host:  Joe Gray

Guests:  Cindy Koontz’ son is addicted to heroin and she started the Petition for the establishment of an addiction treatment center in Martinsburg.  She also has a blog that appears on the FB Group, Berkeley Heroin Epidemic Awareness.  Emily Drewry and Tim Payne are recovering addicts and have started an addiction recovery organization called Turning Point.

Discussion:  Cindy discusses her experience with heroin addiction from the perspective of a parent.  Emily and Tim speak about addiction and recovery from personal experience.  Their stories are very moving and informative.  I was impressed with their courage to come forward and their concern for and commitment to the community.

Originally broadcast on WSHC Shepherdstown, from the campus of Shepherd University on May 21, 2016.

The views expressed in the accompanying audio are mine or those of my guests and do not necessarily represent the views of the university or radio station.